Call your doctor….Although you experience a multitude of tweaks and twingles during your pregnancy, there are a few symptoms that need investigation by your caregiver. The rule is………… when in doubt, PICK UP THE PHONE and CALL THE DOCTOR !!!
Pale fluid from the vagina
This could indicate infection or even a tear in the amniotic sac, allowing the amniotic fluid to escape. If this occurs close to your due date it could indicate the start of labour or even if this occurs way earlier it could well be a premature labor.
Excessive vomiting
This can cause metabolic disturbances and electrolyte imbalances. In serious cases you could be admitted to hospital.
Is due to an iron and folic acid deficiency and can impair oxygen supply to the placenta and cause other complications like shock, thrombosis or even excessive bleeding after the birth of your child. Signs like amnaemia will include the following “poor appetite”, “pallor”, “breathlessness”, “a rapid pulse”, “palpitations”, “dizziness”, “fainting” or “extreme lethargy”
The uterus contracts mildly throughout your pregnancy. Most women become aware of this during their second trimester and you may get them after a busy day on your feet. If the contractions become painful or intense, this could mean the start of labor so contact your midwife/doctor/caregiver.
See your baby develop
- Stages of pregnancy – get all the info on your baby’s development during your pregnancy, this is your pregnancy stages guide
Pain and burning when urinating/peeing/weeing
This may be accompanied by a cloudy urine with a strong odour. This could also be a sign of bladder infection. Other signs could be a sudden abdominal pain or tenderness on the right side. This sort of infection should be treated early as possible. In some cases a bladder infection could develop in a serious condition which could affect your kidneys.
About 40% of women experience swelling in their third and final trimester. Contact your GP/caregiver/doctor if this is excessive and if the swelling doesn’t go down with rest and if it is accomplished by extreme weight gain, blurred or disturbed vision, severe and sudden head aches, abdominal pain and if you are urinating less and the urine is more concentrated. This could be a sign of preeclampsia (pregnancy induced hyper tension). which could be fatal to both mother and baby.
Vaginal Bleeding
Well this is obviously a great concern. It is not normal during pregnancy especially when experiencing abdominal pain. Before 26 weeks, bleeding could indicate a pregnancy outside the wound or a miscarriage. If bleeding occurs after 6 months/18 weeks the placenta could be lying over the cervix or the placenta could have detached from the uterus (placental abruptio). This could be life threatening to mother and baby!
Severe abdominal pain
Get medical attention at once if you had an accident, fall or sudden abdominal pain that doesn’t approve with rest. Abdominal pain in pregnancy may indicate placental abruptio or preeclampsia or a severe urinary tract infection, start of labor or a strained round ligament9felt more on the sides of the abdomen).
Decrease foetal/fetal movement
OK, babies differ on how much they move! 10 – 12 movements from four months a day is considered normal. The movements decrease close to your due date, due to the lack of space inside, but if there if a dramatically change in movement notify whoever is responsible. Decrease movement could indicate placental problems, too little or too much amniotic fluid, or even high blood pressure from the mother. Please take note, these are just warning signs, and whenever in doubt call your caretaker.
Quote for today
Pregnancy is a journey, which is given to the adventurer by the Creator, and remember the path you choose will determine whether the journey is adventurous or not!
– by Jacques de Lange