What is up with facebook? Are you familiar with FaceBook?
FaceBook recently changed their design and people aren’t liking it. Well here is a musing taken from a friend’s website hope you like this?
People are complaining about FaceBook’s redesign
Like the old fashion user would say, please don’t change what I am used to! It’s working so don’t BREAK IT! Hmmm, life changes and things change as we go, we all need change and yet people don’t like it. Here are a couple of examples:
It is becoming so obvious that members on facebook are really not happy with the new look…so let common sense prevail & listen to the membership members…at the end of the day..its we members that’s keeping it going..Ive said it before…IF IT AINT BROKEN..WHY FIX IT !!!!!!
Just keep FB simple to use. If some want to add on, let ’em. But keep the platform clean and simple for the rest of us.
Facebook is confusing enough as it is without them changing the interface around every year, and without any testing with their audience?!?! that’s a bad move. Zuckerberg seems out of touch.
but then we get someone that realize that things could not be so bad 😉
WOW sweeping statements
WOW there are some real sweeping statements here…
‘EVERYBODY hates the new look’
No, a Few people don’t. a few of a 175million is going to be 1 – 2 million people, it seems like a lot.. but really its a tiny fraction.
Also change happens, Microsoft have been doing it for years, in fact nearly all technology companies have been doing it for years. They push the market the way they want it. Its business, look back centuries and you’ll see.
In 1 months time you’ll all have forgotten about a change in skin.
If you would like to read the full article or more comments please visit FaceBooker’s not happy with re-design
So tell us what you think. Is Facebook doing it right, moving on or doing it wrong?
What a good laugh!!!!!